Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hey people! Help me out here!

Okay, here's the dealio.  Quite simply, I don't feel compelled to post anything on this site.  It's been a month and I got...4 followers!  Yippee!  I am very grateful to them, especially my darling little sister Stephie and my dear Felicity, who have been loyal readers from the very beginning.  Thank you + Much love. <3

So here's what I'm going to do: Nothing, until this site has at least 20 followers.  So please show your support and +Follow The Otherkind Official Fansite!  And after you do that, tell your family and friends and anybody else who likes to (or would like to) read classical or modern fantasy.  I would really appreciate if you all helped with this effort to bring more people to my book.  I write for others, not just myself, and I'm eager to share my work.




  1. iFollow. :o) nicee blog, deary. cant wait to read ur book <3 i havent been around lately howve u been???
